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40 entries
Name Status Class Group Hometown
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Rick Boroski
NewFairport, NY
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Glenn Cattanach
ConfirmedInstructor Run GroupFarmington, MI
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Richard Checca
NewBallston Spa, Ny
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Xing Chen
NewWashington, DC
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Scott Cook
NewReisterstown, MD
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Anthony Cuzzacrea
NewInstructor Run GroupLockport, NY
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John D'Aurizio
NewWebster, NY
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Richard DeAsis
NewPittsford, NY
Dwight Derr
ConfirmedHockessin, DE
David Ford
NewBethesda, MD
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Adam Gerken
NewInstructor Run GroupRochester, NY
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Jeff Goode
NewSolo Run GroupSwoope, VA
Koen Goorman
NewPittsford, NY
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Sean Grant
NewInstructor Run GroupWilliamson, NY
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Micah Holmes
NewInstructor Run GroupFrederick, MD
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Joseph Irwin
NewLancaster, PA
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Cody Johnston
NewIntermediate Run GroupWebster, NY
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Andy Korinis
NewGlen Rock, NJ
Henry Kwok
ConfirmedBrooklyn, NY
Ken Lessans
NewLancaster, PA
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Zafer Mehmood
NewSomerset, NJ
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Michael P. Meyer
NewLaurel, DE
Ahad Mubariz
ConfirmedAshburn, VA
Chris Muzylowski
NewSolo Run GroupDoylestown, PA
Zygmunt Muzylowski
NewIntermediate Run GroupDOYLESTOWN, PA
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Bogdan Nastea
NewInstructor Run GroupHorseheads, NY
Diana Nastea
NewNovice Run GroupHorseheads, NY
Jennifer Nazarko
NewHockessin, DE
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Michael Perras
NewCornwall, ON
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Harry Ramos
NewSolo Run GroupMacedon, NY
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Thomas Ramos
NewSolo Run GroupMacedon, NY
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Craig Richmond
NewSpringfield, VA
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Andrew Richter
NewAdvanced Run GroupAshburn, VA
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Jay Sofianek
NewWebster, NY
Catie Thuline
NewRound Hill, VA
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Dean Thuline
NewRound Hill, VA
Duane Tull
ConfirmedFulton, NY
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Gregg Vandivert
NewWebster, NY
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Stephan Yelenik
NewPeapack, NJ
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Matt Ytzen
NewWinchester, VA

Entry list is private

Only registered and logged in users can see the list

The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.